Saturday, August 13, 2011


My dear wonderful friend Angela told me how she got her white board for her classroom for super cheap and I talked my husband to getting me one as well :-)

We went to Home Depot last night and got a piece of white panel board (8' x 4')  for $12.87 and some pieces of white trim for $2.87 for an 8' piece.

The boys helped Daddy measure to the next stud to screw it into the wall.

Is that not a cool white board?!?!  I am so excited!!!  (Oh the strips down the middle were due to the fact that the board had to cover an electrical outlet.  Daddy put screws down the middle of that board at that point so it wouldn't bubble as much and we covered the screws with trim.)

(after I got the alphabet train back up...and you can see our bulletin board to the right - it has our MFW reading chart and books of the bible chart)

I put the other white boards over at my desk.  I don't know yet what I will use them for but I am sure I will come up with something.  :-)

We are aiming to start school this next week!  I am hoping to do school on Tuesday and Wednesday!!!  One of the beauties of homeschool is the flexible schedule! Yay!!

Until next time,


  1. Hey!

    That looks great...good job, boys! I kinda like the strip down the middle. I'm so excited for you. I'll start working on lesson plans tomorrow. Daddy's vacation starts Friday so, we won't start school til he goes back to work. Fun, fun, fun!

  2. Wow that is great and inexpensive! Your husband and sons did a great job putting it together!
