We did get in some tot school activities last week...more activities than I got pictures of unfortunately. We had our story times and played with cars and sang songs.
One thing that we did that I did get pictures of was playing with play-doh! This kept the boys busy for a couple of HOURS at the table one afternoon!! They love playing with play-doh.
Aaron just squealed with delight!
Seth had fun with the play-doh scissors.
Alyssa enjoyed sitting in her bouncy seat while the boys played :-)
Seth enjoyed the play-doh stamps.
Aaron also colored a little bit.
I found a cool idea from the blog A Little Fun with Me and Lu on her Kids in the Kitchen post on pretzel sparklers. I thought these would be fun to make as part of Aaron's fireworks birthday. Unfortunately something happened to my white chocolate and when I tried to melt it, it made a huge mess. So we used strawberry icing instead...which worked out ok.
Here are the boys ready to start (my nephew was there to enjoy the fun as well)
Aaron enjoyed eating the blue sugar.
Seth decorating a sparkler.
Aaron twirling his pretzel in the icing.
Joey decorating his pretzel.
Our finished sparklers.
My little yankee doodle!!!
Aaron's fireworks cupcakes!
The funniest picture taken...I just laughed so hard when I saw this on the camera!!
We had a fun time!! We ended the night Saturday night with fireworks on the driveway!! Aaron loved them and wanted more!!
Click here to see more tot school posts!
Happy Birthday Aaron!