But first I want to do Kids In The Kitchen. I was looking through some blogs yesterday and came across a blog where a mom has started a new meme - Kids in the kitchen Thursday and thought right off the bat that this would be so much fun to participate in - especially since my boys love to pretend to cook!! They will be tickled to get in the kitchen for real!
So here is my first Kids in the Kitchen Post.
Today we made fresh peach popsicles!!
First we needed some fresh peaches and popsicle molds.
(look at the delight on Aaron's face!! I love it!! This was right before he decided to sink his teeth into that peach)
Next Mommy had to cut up the peaches and boil them for a bit to soften them up.
Next Seth poured them into the blender. (I have found that doing things on the floor is a lot easier than the boys fighting over the step stool)
Then Aaron added some sugar.
Seth then pushed the button on the blender (of course I didn't think about the fact that it was going to be loud and Seth hates loud noises...he didn't like the blender when it was turned on)
We poured the mixture into our molds and put them into the freezer to freeze!
We will now have a yummy cold treat to enjoy after dinner! Yum!!
You can head over to A Little Fun with Me and Lu to check out more kids in the kitchen posts!
Our Father's Day Gift!!
Duct tape wallets - I found this idea online this morning and thought it was too cool!! Of course it ended up being a little harder than I thought to assemble and there wasn't much the boys could help with in assembling but they had fun watching Mommy. I did have Seth do a lot of counting and helping with the measuring and as you can see below he colored some papers to put in the wallets.
You can click on the link above or click here to get the instructions for this project. Below are some pics or our finished project!!
Here is the front of the wallets!
Here is a view when you open the wallet.
here are the items in the wallet. Seth and Aaron decorated those little cards. I was originally going to use those to make fake credit cards but then thought of the picture idea.
And the wallets really do seem sturdy enough to really use. They really turned out cool!! I will have to tuck this project away and pull it out again when they are old enough to follow the directions to assemble themselves.
Tomorrow morning will be pretty lazy...I have to get packed for our trip to Mimi and Poppy's and we are hoping to leave around noon! But we got some fun stuff planned for next week :-)
Summer is so much fun!
MMM yum and healthy, so hot out right now popcicles are just what the kids need! Thank you for participating in me meme, hope to see you back!